• izzy

    Posts: 23

    Joined: 1st Apr, 2015 9:15pm

    Forum Guidelines


    All posts are read by our administrators and moderators. If we catch questionable content, it will immediately be edited or removed for further investigation. Any post that is considered advertising for one's self-interests, fits under this subject.

    Multiple Accounts

    We only allow one account per person. If you lose access to your account, there's no need to create another one. Instead, try resetting your password on the login page, or contact an Administrator for help.

    Language and Trolling

    Our community is family-friendly. There are young users and language should be kept within a PG-13 level. Vulgar language is not allowed. This constitutes the use of any kind of offensive, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate material deemed unsafe for younger members. Inappropriate language will potentially be removed and users will be warned.

    Do not post provocative, outrageous, or pointless messages only to get a response from others, i.e. "trolling." Do not post link to inappropriate materials. Repeat violators will be permanently banned.

    Posts that that harass, belittle, humiliate, threaten or cause embarrassment to any member and any hate speech against a certain group of people, due to their religion, sex, sexual orientation or nationality will be banned without prior notice.

    In other words: be nice and polite.

    Keep the boards clean

    This means posts should be relevant to the topic of the forum and should group similar topics into a single post. Within posts, please try to follow the flow of the conversation. Let old topics lie unless you wish to continue the discussion.

    Personal Attacks

    In order to maintain a positive atmosphere, no personal attacks or insults will be tolerated. While discussions may become heated, it is not an excuse to result to attacks or insults. There is a difference between a passionate, respectful discussion and one that delves into personal matters. Think of it as debating issues, not individuals. When the line is crossed, the discussion may be closed by the moderation team. Violators will be warned and potentially banned.

    Again, please follow the above guidelines when posting on our message boards. If you have any questions, please contact us. Above all, remember to have fun!

    This topic is closed.

    Total posts 30 • Total topics 21 • Total members 206 • Our newest explorer is lyricoholic